Hey there! I wanted to share with you how my creative journey started. In 2019, I decided to take a leap and pursue my passion for design by enrolling in the Certificate IV in Design program at TAFE SA and finishing with an advanced Diploma in design. 
I want to let you know that I have a learning disability, but I never let that hold me back. I'm pretty resilient and persistent when it comes to achieving my dreams! 
I would be delighted to assist anyone interested in bringing a sense of warmth and fun to their design projects. My specialties include creating illustrations for children’s books, stationery, custom-made greeting cards, and more.

Communications Team-October 8, 2023 Kylie Chum 
Bright, bubbly personality and a keen eye for colors and typography make her an attractive graphic designer. Ruth has shown herself to be a great team player, consistently adding an extra spark to every project. I highly recommend Ruth for any creative role.
Professional design morals and ethics
No free pitching
Respecting Copyright and IP Laws 
Artwork/design pieces that l create are original, if in the process of my designing l use free images or fonts, I will respect the licenses and copyright agreements of the original creators of these works. Artwork/design pieces that l create in an employed situation (freelance/contract/part-time/full-time) will be discussed and negotiated with the employer in regard to ownership and copyright in accordance with lawful workplace agreements.

Respectful relationships
I will maintain a respectful client and designer relationship, that includes actively listening to my client and taking on critical feedback so that we can work together to achieve the right outcome for all projects.
Mockup credits  www.freepik.com
Greeting Card Mockup https://www.freepik.com/author/marie-smith
Poster Walls rawpixel.com 
Business Card/Stationary Mockups stationary @CosmoStudio
Laptop Mockups https://www.freepik.com/free-psd/laptop-mock-up-isolated_4075244.htm#query=laptop%20mockup&position=1&from_view=search&track=aisTablet mockup @zlatko_plamenov
Poster Mockups www.freepik.com/author/vectonauta
